Only a few more days until Hive Fleet Nagaina evolves & expands & to this end I've already started.
Here they come |
I'm not sure where to go new model wise as while GW as done well with some of the kits like the guants & the 2 fex pack I'm not happy with the fact that the new Haruspex/Exocrine cost more then the Tyrannofex/Tervigon kit with is a bigger kit & has more parts.
A face only a mother could love |
Same thing with the Harpy/Crone kit agaisnt the Tyrant/Swamlord kit as the difference here is 18euro I see some conversions in my not to distant future.
To the skies |
One for the great things about nids is that unlike IG's where a Russ is a Russ a Harpy in hive fleet Nagaina does not have to look the same as a Harpy in hive fleet Leviathan & so as a player who is not into tournaments I can let my little mind run mad.
That's got to hurt |
I still use my converted fex as a tervigon & the model I made up today will be my version of a well know nid.
So until I get what I want done up for my hive fleet I'll be trying hard to put all other modelling projects on hold.
Pretty in pink |
So thanks for dropping in & lock & load those lasguns as the feeding is about to get under way.
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