Hi this is the last post on If it Wasn't for One's & I'd like to thank everyone of you that dropped in over the years, I will however be continuing to blog & hope you will join me over on Nickel & Dime Productions, below is a link to that blog you might need to copy & paste it as I don't always do links the right way.
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Sunday 11 March 2018
Sunday 25 February 2018
Off the air
I was hoping to be posting the next Perilous Island report but with going computer problems I'm sorry to say that is not the case, but fear not as plans are in place to rectify things but will take a couple of weeks, so until then all will be quite around here.
As always my thanks for dropping in & hopefully Nickel & Dime will return better then ever : )
As always my thanks for dropping in & hopefully Nickel & Dime will return better then ever : )
Sunday 18 February 2018
Sinister Swamp Pulp Alley Solo AAR
Perilous Island
A story by Dave Phipps at Pulp Alley
Chapter 7 Sinister Swamp
Collins"This is the way Forbes went alright I can see the top of 3 statues, it must be the 3 wise men he's on about"
Grace" yes but wasn't there also a warning about the undying or something & what is that foul stench ?"
Our hero's are heading into a stinking swamp, the 3 statures are the plot points which the characters can attempt once within 3" of one but something else is also moving around close to the statues, the BB's will enter from the top right hand corner while the G's will enter from the bottom left corner, on the random events table Helga has been delayed while the BB's had no effect.
Hess"Halt I can see something moving up ahead close to that statue, start to spread out & be careful"
Hess"What the hell are those things" as he opens fire.
Killing one of them.
Brown moves & keeping an area of swamp between them opens up on the thing but fails to drop it.
Fritz however takes it out leaving the area around the statue clear so Gloup & Muller run up to it.
The BB's are taking no chances either but despite all of them shooting the thing it stays on it feet
Worse still with lightning speed the thing rushes Collins
Who gets the better of by bashing it over the head with his pistol, Grace"What is it Delbert ?"
Collins" I'm not sure but I thing it might have been human once"
Two more of them head for the head towards the Germans.
Turn 1, At the tart of each turn each side places X number of zombies within 3" of a statue but can only place one at each, the Germans where unlucky as they got 3 to place meaning they had to place one at the statue closest to them, the BB's however only got 2 meaning they could place one at the statue closest to the Germans & 1 at the other stature, giving the Germans 2 to deal with while they only had 1, after both sides have activated the zombies will either rush the closest character & brawl them or if not within 12" move 6" towards the closest one, the zombies are not so easy to kill as you need to score to hits after their save to put them out.
Muller can't believe his eye's as one of the zombies rise out of the ground in front of him.
Collins now free of the zombie has a look around picks up a compass that he knows once be longed to his missing friend, has Forbes falling foul to these things he thinks ?
while the rest of the team cover him.
Helga has now rejoined her group & asks Fritz what all the shooting is about ?
Gloup keeping an eye on the zombie that's trying to claw at Muller slips at the edge of a swamp area
as the zombie gets the better of his comrade.
Brown fires at another one but his aim is off
while Helga & Fritz fire at the one who's now trying to turn Muller into a meal.
Hess who was busy picking something up is now trying to make sure he doesn't become lunch
Helga is trying the same thing "Keep away from me" she cry's out
Moore joins Collins & says "Old Jerry seems to have his hand full"
Turn 2, The Germans luck didn't improve any as they got to place no zombie's leaving the BB's free to try the plot point which Collins passed, while the BB's got to place 1 zombie which was placed next to Muller, Hess however did mange a plot point before been rushed by a zombie, the cards unlike in turn 1 had a bit of an effect, Collins got a free pass before Dowl got the surprise twist which switched play over to the Germans, where Gloup got a perils that he failed & went down, recovery rolls seen Gloup & Muller pass
The Germans really are having a hard time of it with the zombie's
with things not getting any better for the BB's either
Collins seems to be getting the hang of dealing with them however, leaving Moore to pick something up in the long grass that has caught his eye.
Dowl takes out another with a nice head shot
as Grace runs the risk of been next for dinner by moving up to the statue, but something strikes at her leg.
Muller only back on his feet is down again as Hess dances with death.
Helga backs away giving Fritz & Gloup a clear shot.
Brown for reasons best know to himself ignores his comrades troubles & decides to shoot Collins wounding him, that might make things easier for the zombie's he thinks.
Despite Dowl's best efforts one of the zombie's have gotten to Grace
& knocked her over.
Turn 3, both sides got to place 2 zombie's, while everyone had to take a card this turn the only one of note was the one that removed all other cards in play from the game, Moore passed a plot point so the BB's now have 2 & the G's 1, Grace failed the plot point perils & took a wound before taking another from the zombie, recovery rolls Collins passed while Grace & Muller failed & are both out of the game.
Hess orders Brown back"what are you shooting at them for we've enough on our plate here"
more bullets are pumped into the zombie
before Fritz decides cold steel might work better, Helga spots something in the long grass but as she moves over can't find it,
Brown tries to come to Hess's aid but falls head first into the swamp
Moore suffers the same faith as Dowl is rushed.
Helga it seems is also having zombie problems
but dodges away,
as does Dowl
while Fritz cold steel seems to have done the trick.
Turn4, both got to place 1 zombie, Collins got another plot point, Helga tried for one but got make 3 success & only made 2, making it 3-1 to the BB's the cards again had no real effect, Moore & Brown had both failed a perilous area challenge & both gone down, Hess took a wound from a zombie, recovery Hess failed Moore & Brown passed.
The zombies just keep coming &
as Gloup keeps his eye's on one something inside the bush grabs hold of him.
Moore covered by Dowl finds something else belonging to Forbes but in doing so has put himself in between 2 zombies.
The Germans regroup trying to clear their lines.
& down 2 of the 3 zombies closest to them.
The last one rushes Hess but he puts it down with a shot between the eye's just before it reaches him.
The BB's are also having problems
with both Moore Collins
& Dowl all getting rushed.
Moore & Dowl back away
but Collins can't get free, is this the end for our hero ?
Hess goes forward once more covered by his comrades.
Collins drops out but is set upon by another zombie
& yet another & Dowl calls out to him "Delbert were been over run we'll have to get out of here"
So it would seem as the ground is now spewing out zombies at an alarming rate.
Turns 5,6 & 7, yes Hess added an extra turn in the hope that BB's who were in great trouble with the zombies by that time might be taken down so losing the plot points they held, Gloup & Brown both went out of the game in turns 5 & 6, Gloup to a card perils & brown perilous area challenge.
This scenario had no major plot point but 6 reward cards , of which you got one for completing a plot point challenge while within 3" of one of the statues, one of these was a blank card & if drawn would instead put a zombie in base contact with the character.
So the game ended 4vps-1vp for the BB's
Designers note, This was a very different game of PA as instead of fighting each other the league's where forced to fight the zombies but it was great fun none the less, luck still seems to be shining on the BB's as not only did the G's get the worse of the zombies in the early turns, you would have felt that completing 4 plot point the BB's would have got at least the reward card that gave a zombie once but they didn't.
Cut, that it for this post, my thanks to Dave for the script & as always my thanks to you for dropping in & if you'd care to be a movie critic please leave a comment it would be welcomed : )
Perilous Island
A story by Dave Phipps at Pulp Alley
Chapter 7 Sinister Swamp
Collins"This is the way Forbes went alright I can see the top of 3 statues, it must be the 3 wise men he's on about"
Grace" yes but wasn't there also a warning about the undying or something & what is that foul stench ?"
Hess"Halt I can see something moving up ahead close to that statue, start to spread out & be careful"
Hess"What the hell are those things" as he opens fire.
Killing one of them.
Brown moves & keeping an area of swamp between them opens up on the thing but fails to drop it.
The BB's are taking no chances either but despite all of them shooting the thing it stays on it feet
Worse still with lightning speed the thing rushes Collins
Who gets the better of by bashing it over the head with his pistol, Grace"What is it Delbert ?"
Collins" I'm not sure but I thing it might have been human once"
Two more of them head for the head towards the Germans.
Turn 1, At the tart of each turn each side places X number of zombies within 3" of a statue but can only place one at each, the Germans where unlucky as they got 3 to place meaning they had to place one at the statue closest to them, the BB's however only got 2 meaning they could place one at the statue closest to the Germans & 1 at the other stature, giving the Germans 2 to deal with while they only had 1, after both sides have activated the zombies will either rush the closest character & brawl them or if not within 12" move 6" towards the closest one, the zombies are not so easy to kill as you need to score to hits after their save to put them out.
Collins now free of the zombie has a look around picks up a compass that he knows once be longed to his missing friend, has Forbes falling foul to these things he thinks ?
while the rest of the team cover him.
Helga has now rejoined her group & asks Fritz what all the shooting is about ?
Gloup keeping an eye on the zombie that's trying to claw at Muller slips at the edge of a swamp area
as the zombie gets the better of his comrade.
Brown fires at another one but his aim is off
while Helga & Fritz fire at the one who's now trying to turn Muller into a meal.
Hess who was busy picking something up is now trying to make sure he doesn't become lunch
Helga is trying the same thing "Keep away from me" she cry's out
Turn 2, The Germans luck didn't improve any as they got to place no zombie's leaving the BB's free to try the plot point which Collins passed, while the BB's got to place 1 zombie which was placed next to Muller, Hess however did mange a plot point before been rushed by a zombie, the cards unlike in turn 1 had a bit of an effect, Collins got a free pass before Dowl got the surprise twist which switched play over to the Germans, where Gloup got a perils that he failed & went down, recovery rolls seen Gloup & Muller pass
Dowl takes out another with a nice head shot
as Grace runs the risk of been next for dinner by moving up to the statue, but something strikes at her leg.
Muller only back on his feet is down again as Hess dances with death.
Brown for reasons best know to himself ignores his comrades troubles & decides to shoot Collins wounding him, that might make things easier for the zombie's he thinks.
Despite Dowl's best efforts one of the zombie's have gotten to Grace
& knocked her over.
Turn 3, both sides got to place 2 zombie's, while everyone had to take a card this turn the only one of note was the one that removed all other cards in play from the game, Moore passed a plot point so the BB's now have 2 & the G's 1, Grace failed the plot point perils & took a wound before taking another from the zombie, recovery rolls Collins passed while Grace & Muller failed & are both out of the game.
more bullets are pumped into the zombie
Brown tries to come to Hess's aid but falls head first into the swamp
Moore suffers the same faith as Dowl is rushed.
Helga it seems is also having zombie problems
as does Dowl
while Fritz cold steel seems to have done the trick.
as Gloup keeps his eye's on one something inside the bush grabs hold of him.
Moore covered by Dowl finds something else belonging to Forbes but in doing so has put himself in between 2 zombies.
The Germans regroup trying to clear their lines.
& down 2 of the 3 zombies closest to them.
The BB's are also having problems
with both Moore Collins
& Dowl all getting rushed.
but Collins can't get free, is this the end for our hero ?
Hess goes forward once more covered by his comrades.
Collins drops out but is set upon by another zombie
& yet another & Dowl calls out to him "Delbert were been over run we'll have to get out of here"
So it would seem as the ground is now spewing out zombies at an alarming rate.
Turns 5,6 & 7, yes Hess added an extra turn in the hope that BB's who were in great trouble with the zombies by that time might be taken down so losing the plot points they held, Gloup & Brown both went out of the game in turns 5 & 6, Gloup to a card perils & brown perilous area challenge.
This scenario had no major plot point but 6 reward cards , of which you got one for completing a plot point challenge while within 3" of one of the statues, one of these was a blank card & if drawn would instead put a zombie in base contact with the character.
So the game ended 4vps-1vp for the BB's
Designers note, This was a very different game of PA as instead of fighting each other the league's where forced to fight the zombies but it was great fun none the less, luck still seems to be shining on the BB's as not only did the G's get the worse of the zombies in the early turns, you would have felt that completing 4 plot point the BB's would have got at least the reward card that gave a zombie once but they didn't.
Cut, that it for this post, my thanks to Dave for the script & as always my thanks to you for dropping in & if you'd care to be a movie critic please leave a comment it would be welcomed : )
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