As we get to the last couple of days of 2015 I think I can safely say that on the hobby front its been a very good year, with plenty of stuff done & a descent amount of posts here on if it wasn't for one's, this one bring the total to 69 over one a week.
You see dear reader the blog has become just as much apart of my hobby as modelling, painting or gaming, with out the blog there wouldn't have been much point in the creation of Tricol as there would be no one to shear it with outside of the few people that take part in the games, would I have written up something like the Von Bittner points the finger post if there was no way to shear it with.
Way back in January I was still trying to hold on to 40k & it did give me the wonderful game against Mike T that was reported in the ( post, there was also some Necromunda stuff going on.
February was still Necromunda & 40K & I even gave thought to doing a new 40K army in the shape of Ad-mech & made up a nid list for Leprecon.
Sadly the models in the picture above still stand the same way, but I do have plans for them.
March & our little Necromunda campaign was over, I enjoyed it but it wasn't really what I was looking for, on the 40K front it was my nids & SoB's that where getting all the love.
The plastic Lictor right a conversion I really enjoyed doing, I also played 40K in the first day of Leprecon's two day event using my nids, March also had the great Assassin freed 40K game with the Doc that went to the last dice roll more or less.
April seen the clash of the Titans as once again I took on the Doc, sadly unlike the Assassin game this one was very one sided but it did see two of FW's finest take centre stage.
April also seen another FW model as I got around to getting the Vulture Gunship finished
May was where a idea I'd had the year before started to come to life, yes dear reader we where about to enter the Tricol system & my hobby was about to head in a very different direction.
Our first look at the Tricol system as viewed by Panama Jack & crew on board the Hermes, May was also when we where to really get going with Pulp Alley.
June & after some trouble out in the asteroid belt Panama Jack was to set foot on the planet Shin-Tethys, where the Bash Street gang went out of their way to make him feel welcome.
July was all about Tricol & Pulp Alley, as I built a river for my table
& Jack went looking for some parts in the Aeronautica plant.
August started with Jack nearly losing his heart to Alex, but another lady was to play a bigger part in things
Adele Blanc-Sec was to prove a handful many a time, August was also the end of the hobby season, where you pick what your hoping to get done in the next year & then look back to see what you did or in my case didn't do, hopefully next August will see an improvement.
September brings one of the high lights of the year for me know as NWG an event in Wicklow town, with me thinking I'd once & for all left 40K behind I was asked would I do up the rulespack & take part
the first I did but the second thanks to uneven numbers I didn't have to & had a wonderful day playing a couple of RPG's, it really was farewell to 40K
October I built a ship & had a nice find & done up some beastmen how where to be found on a certain island
November found me finding some inspiration
& seen ugly scenes on the streets of Dunmarn
December brings us near the end of this post, but while you dear reader where getting into the season of you will to your fellow man Von Bittner was pointing his finger.
As you look forward to ringing in the Newyear my friends spare a thought for those left stranded on a very perilous island
Have a happy Newyear & I'll see you all on the flip side & as always my thanks for dropping in, it just wouldn't be the same without you.
Tricol Customs, A Pulp Ally AAR
Upon hearing the bridge door open Jack turned around & asked well Doc how are the patients ? Felix is fine nothing more then a few cuts & bruises ( may start hidden ), with Mr Smith its a bit worse as he took a really bad blow to the head & may have a bit of concussion ( -1 to a random skill )
Now would you care to enlighten me as to your plans & have you any idea why there should be so many weapons stored at an asteroid mining base enquired Doc Neddle ?
The first part of your question I can answer easy enough Doc, sooner or later some ships are going to come to bring supplies & bring back what ever it is their mining out here, when that happens I hope to just join their convoy & head to one of those planets , the second part I've no idea about but would guess its something illegal.
A couple of days later it was exactly like Jack said & they put into space dock above the second largest of the planets know as Shin- Tethys, the plan went off with out a hitch that was until they took the shuttle down on to one of the planets, this is where we join the action.
The last part of the story can be found here
As well as Jack who is the main plot point we had the two crate's from the last game, one at bottom right of the picture, one at the office top left, another crate about half way between the hanger & the red car & a kroot at the blue fuel tank |
Jack & crew exit from the lift down from the raised landing pad |
It looks like the customs officers are not going to be the only thing Jack has to worry about |
I won the roll off for the initiative & was using the same league as last time with some different models added |
As I set about trying to get into good positions Paddy springs a trap on my follower taking him out of the game |
i rolled familiar area on the events table while Paddy rolled reconnoiter a roll that was to cost him no little pain. |
My team at the end of my first turn |
some things are just better in two's, well he started it |
The generator blows up putting all of Jack's crew apart from Felix in perilous area |
This combined with Paddy's event roll was slowing Jack up nicely |
but all that didn't help this guy open the crate |
& so the shooting starts as the guy nearest the back of the car opens up |
sometimes to just have to go toe to toe, as for the little markers you can see, the white & red one at the top of the picture & in the picture above was to make out the area that was perilous while the black one was placed on anyone who had shot as then now counted as been in a perilous area |
I put an end to Jack's extra follower |
Jack rushes into the fight |
& gives some payback |
Father Felix take his chainsword to one of the crates, one way of opening it I guess |
the explosion is still having an effect, good |
the end of turn 3 & J ack is still a long way from the gate, even better |
I make a start on a couple of the minor plot points, in the two pictures above |
& reach yet another one, things are really on the up |
Oilskin & that dam dog do a bit of tag teaming on one of my guys |
& down he's goes |
That chainsword does'nt seem to be doing the trick |
I got back up but was knocked down again |
As Jack makes it to the gate house |
Mr Smith has his tail up now & rushes into another one of my guys, who I don't think would ever have gotten that crate open |
& down he goes |
while my leader shows everyone how to open a box |
now Mr Smith is even giving it a try |
Jack has fully convinced the guard yet I'm still in with a chance |
my sidekick rushes Oilskin |
& makes a right mess of it |
but then makes up for it with a couple of guards heading his way |
& the gate is open, Jack you old sweet talker you |
well at least there's still time left to do something about that dog |
& he bits the bullet putting an end to all his good work on the crate |
Jack with his rewards, with 3 vp's for himself & one for the plot point Felix got the game end 4-2 in Jack's favour |
This game was a mix of the Dangerous Delivery & Death Trap scenario's & a blast to play, with Jack as the main plot point & having to try to get off the base through the checkpoint which once there he had to complete a challenge just like a plot point, the other guards around the table moved about a random D6 at the end of each turn & if they came within an inch of a character would become an extreme peril.
I've got to say I'm finding pulp alley to be very easy way of building a narrative & fits very well into any setting or plot in the best of pulp fashion, now we started off well with Tricol & have gotten 2 scenario's AAR's in in more or less a week, but going forward this is more likely to be a month which was my original target, this will give me time to build any terrain I need & with Paddy moving up to Belfast he's not going to be around as much.
So my thanks to you know who & well done on another good win, I thought I had you that time & also as ever my thanks to you for dropping in.
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For some reason your profile short form (when I look at it in "Followers" on my blog) doesn't show your blog! So, I just found it!
This is great! Great stories, great terrain!
I'll comment more as I get time to read through it.
aka / Guiscard
At the time I didn't know anything about Pulp Alley, but Dave told me what it was & how much he loved it, his site lead me to Paul's which lead me to yours & between the hold lot I was hooked & inspired.
So my thanks to the 3 of you.
Going forward I intend to build different setting from the different places in Tricol some of which I've already started.